A Couple of Notes And The Judges Jumped From Their Seats, A girl dared to sing one of the heaviest songs in the world

Sometimes, you just know that you’re about to experience something truly remarkable once it happens.

This was certainly the case during the “The Voice Kids” competition in Germany when a young girl named Sophie took the stage. Sophie barely sang three seconds before one of the judges pressed the button to turn their chair around—yes, just two words into her performance!

So, what did Sophie do to leave the judges, the audience, and television viewers speechless? You’ll just have to listen for yourself to understand. Trust me, you’ll be just as mesmerized by Sophie’s stunning rendition of Edith Piaf’s “Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien.”

To see this moment of musical brilliance for yourself, just turn up the volume, hit play on the video below, and watch as Sophie’s incredible talent unfolds. Don’t forget to share this unforgettable performance with your friends to spread the joy!

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